- Cricket-fighting 斗蛐蛐Latest update:2016-05-24
- Tea Ritual and Tea Workshop for Kids 儿童茶道Latest update:2017-07-08
- Peking Opera and Face-painting for Kids 儿童京剧表演和化妆脸谱Latest update:2017-07-09
- Qu Yi (comic dialogues & show, clapper talks and cross talks)老北京杂耍曲艺Latest update:2017-07-17
- Calligraphy and Seal-carving for Kids 儿童书法(国学经典习字诵读) /篆刻Latest update:2017-07-09
- Flower Arrangement For Kids 儿童花道Latest update:2017-11-17
- Ink & Wash Painting for kids 儿童传统水墨/画扇Latest update:2017-07-08
- Traditional Toy Making 老北京玩具制作Latest update:2017-07-17
- Lantern making 各种灯笼制作Latest update:2017-07-08
- Cookery 厨艺课(宫廷小点心寿桃等)Latest update:2017-07-17
- Making Traditional Kites and Windmills传统风筝和风车制作Latest update:2017-07-17
- Puppet Play and Puppet-making 皮影表演和影人制作Latest update:2016-05-25
- Chinese Music and Dances For Kids 儿童音乐民乐器和舞蹈Latest update:2017-07-08
- Chinese Fabric, Textile & Embroidery Crafts 中国布艺(布老虎/虎头鞋/布堆画等Latest update:2017-07-14
- Chinese Knotting 中国结系列Latest update:2017-07-17
- Blow Candy Figurines and Make Suger Coated Haws on a Stick 吹糖人和学做糖葫芦Latest update:2017-07-08
- Paper-cutting 剪纸Latest update:2016-05-24
- Chinese Health, Herbs & Medicine Therapy For Kids 儿童中医中药和理疗体验Latest update:2017-07-14
- Martial Arts & Qigong, Meditation for Kids 儿童武术气功和打坐Latest update:2017-07-09
- Chinese Chesse, Games & Ping Pong 棋类、游戏和乒乓球Latest update:2017-07-14
- Musical Instruments Learning 学民族乐器Latest update:2017-07-17
- Pottery & Bean Art 陶艺和豆塑Latest update:2017-07-20