Gallery > Education Programs > Field Trips, Cultural Excursions and Campings in & around Beijing 北京儿童周边户外参观、文化郊游和宿营
Cutural Learning Tours & Field Trips in and around Beijing 北京市区郊区文化游Latest update:2017-07-17
Hiking and Camping on the Wild Great Wall 夜宿野长城和徒步Latest update:2016-12-05
Mentougou, Southeast of Beijing 北京门头沟Latest update:2016-12-05
Fangshan, Southwest of Beijing 北京房山文化探秘Latest update:2016-12-05
Tongzhou, east of Beijing 北京通州文化探秘Latest update:2016-12-05
Changping, Northwest of Beijing 昌平Latest update:2017-03-16
Daxing, Southeast of Beijing 北京大兴文化探秘 Latest update:2016-12-05