
To join CCC, sign up below...it's free!

1. Only English letters (eg. a, b, c, etc) ,numerals (eg. 8, 22, etc), and underline (_) can be used in your ID name.

2. No spaces are allowed between letters and numbers.
The ID length should be no more than 20 characters.

3. The same applies to the password.

Enter your UserID and Password

*Confirm Password:

Enter your password find options

Question: If you forget your password, CCC will ask you for your secret answer.
Secret answer:

Enter your account information

*First name:
Middle name:
*Family name:
*Gender: male female
*Contact phone
Office phone
Mobile phone:
Your WeChat ID:
(mobile messaging APP.
We need your exact WeChat ID - not the alias or nickname)
Subscribe to CCC e-newsletter: Beijing Shanghai

(Subscribers to the newsletter receive China Culture Center (CCC) 's - weekly email update with the latest CCC news, cultural events, and seasonal trips.)

How did you know about us? 1. A friend
2. Google Adwords
3. Search Engines
4. Medias (Magazines/TV)
5. Reference from another website/organization
6. Fairs, parties and other events
7. Others