Beijing Walk
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2005 July,06 - July,17

Cockcrow Post Town (or Post Town of Rooster Crows) was recently listed for the second time on the World Monuments Fund (WMF)'s 2006 World Monuments Watch List of world 100 most endangered sites. (It was firstly listed by WMF in 2004). Join us on this Sunday trip to explore the endangered town in Hebei. (Click to view photos)

Chinese History Lecture/Old Footage Show Series is going to have its second session tonight, with discussions on the establishment of the Republic of China; cutting off the Manchurian queue; new vogue; feminine actors in Peking Opera, plight of the last emperor Puyi; formation of the Nationalist Party (KMT); the attempt to restore of monarchy, etc.

Back-Street-Beijing Walking Tour Series will take you to Tongzhou District to the east of the capital to explore some historical legacies along the Grand Canal--a 1,400-year-old pagoda; a church school; a mosque; Tongzhou Museum; and the Grand Canal, etc.


  CCC Calendar  
Jul 6
Chinese History Lecture/old footage show(2): ( 7:30pm)
Jul 7
"Back-Street-Beijing" Walking Tour (5) ( 9am-1:30pm)
Jul 8
Jul 9
Jul 10
Day-trip: Cockcrow Post Town ( 8:30am-7pm)
Jul 11

Qigong Class
Jul 12

Calligraphy course

Painting class
Jul 13
Chinese History Lecture/Old Footage Show(3): ( 7:30pm)
Jul 14
Private Shadow Puppet Museum Visit and Show ( 9:30am-1pm)
Jul 15
Jul 16
2nd July trip to Inner Mongolia ( Fri.9pm-Sun.9pm)
Jul 17
"Back-Street-Beijing" Walking Tour (5) ( 9am-2pm)

What's On

Chinese History Lecture/old footage show(2):
Wednesday, July 6, 7:30pm
The second lecture will cover the following historical events, figures and interesting details: The establishment of the Republic of China; cutting off the Manchurian queue; new vogue; Peking Opera master Mei Lan-fang and feminine actors, plight of t >>> more
"Back-Street-Beijing" Walking Tour (5)
Thursday, July 7, 9am-1:30pm
It is now summer time, so Back-street-Beijing Walking Tour will avoid the crowded downtown streets but explore the vast canal area in Tongzhou District, east of Beijing and learn the history of 1,000 year pagoda, a church school, museums and ot >>> more
Day-trip: Cockcrow Post Town
Sunday, July 10, 8:30am-7pm
Cockcrow Post Town (Ji Ming Yi, or rooster crows) was recently listed for the second time in the 2006 World Monuments Watch List of world 100 most endangered sites. >>> more
Chinese History Lecture/Old Footage Show(3):
Wednesday, July 13, 7:30pm
The lecture will be conducted in English, and well-structured and more accessible to western audience.
An intensive, in-depth Chinese History Lecture Series covering the period from the beginning of the 20th century, when China experienced abrupt ch >>> more
Private Shadow Puppet Museum Visit and Show
Thursday, July 14, 9:30am-1pm
Visit the only private shadow Puppet Museum in Beijing suburbs and watch three famous pieces of shows and meet four to five elder puppeteers behind the screen.; you have chance to see the back stage manipulation of the puppets >>> more
2nd July trip to Inner Mongolia
July 15-17, Fri.9pm-Sun.9pm
To find the least spoiled and least "touristy" grassland, and yet accessible for a two or three days excursion, CCC staff members scouted about just recently and found an excellent site at Huitengxile (2,100 meters above sea level and 125 km east fro >>> more
"Back-Street-Beijing" Walking Tour (5)
Sunday, July 17, 9am-2pm
It is now summer time, so Back-street-Beijing Walk will avoid the crowded downtown streets and go to explore the vast canal area Tongzhou District, east of Beijing and learn the history of 1,000 year pagoda, a church school, museums and other histori >>> more

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