November 03 - November 15, 2008

Zen Retreat in weekend (Nov. 7, Friday eve. - Nov. 9. Sunday) |
Experience the calm and total peace of life as practiced by Zen Buddhism in the seclusion of our courtyard retreat on legendary Red Conch Mountain in the outskirts of Beijing.Our Zen master will show you how to dissolve stress from your life through continuous meditation as you spend a weekend without talking or any modern distractions. Enjoy the simple pleasure of vegetarian Buddhist meals while you spend your days in silent contemplation, walking, hiking and visiting Hong Luo Si Temple >>> click to view details | |

Weekend Tour: Portuguese Gothic Style Watch Towers in Kaiping Nov.14 eve.-16, 2008 |
Kaiping is 136km southwest of Guangzhou, 164km from the Macau border It's watch towers have been listed as a UNESCO's World Heritage Site |

Hakka earthen Round Houses in Fujian Nov.21-23

Christmas Tour: Dec.26-29, 2008 World's largest rice terrace in Yuanyang, Yunnan |
Upcoming tours and classes this week
Ancient Chinese History Lectures Tuesdays & Thursdays, Oct 28-Nov 11,19:30-21:30
The Lectures provide a sound understanding and appreciation of the evolution of politics, institutions, important personages, religion, philosophy, geography, arts, literature, science & technology in five sessions. The lectures will be in English. >>> more |
Hands-on: Chinese Tie-Dye Wednesday, Nov 5, 10:00-12:00
Learn two fabric craftsmanship at China Culture Center: tie-dye (zha ran) and batik (la ran), which represent typical minority Chinese folk art: simple colour and texture, and unique patterns. >>> more |
Back-Street-Beijing Walk: Chongwenmen & Legation Quarter Wednesday, Nov.5, 10:00-13:00
Explore historical sites, hutongs and architecture around Chongwenmen, Beijing Railway Station and Legation quarter area. You will old alleys and residents, churches and banks, and old European Embassy buildings. >>> more |
Taichi (taijiquan) class (2) Wednesday, Nov 5, 19:30-21:00
The class are instructed by master who speak excelent English and have experience in teaching Westerners. ground by the lake of Chaoyang Park near the western gate. >>> more |
Huanghuacheng Great Wall and Little West Lake Thursday, Nov.6, 09:30-17:00
Enjoy a rugged but moderate hike on the Great Wall and then a leisurely hike down a mountain overlooking the scenic Little West Lake. The Wall is submerged under water in the Lake damage from aerial bombings that happened in World War II. >>> more |
Zen Weekend Retreat Nov. 7 (eve) - Nov. 9
Experience the calm and peace of life as practiced by Zen Buddhism in the seclusion of our temple courtyard retreat on Red Conch Mountain in the outskirts of Beijing. Our Zen master will show you how to dissolve stress from your life >>> more |
Kun Opera Workshop Saturday, Nov 8, 19:30-21:30
This CCC two-hour workshop will be lead by Kun Opera expert and actor Zhang Weidong who along with his fellow actors will give a small performance, highlighting the authenticity of what is known as traditional Kunqu Opera. >>> more |
Talk: "Think Like Chinese" by the author Saturday, Nov.8, 14:00-16:00
The book "Think like Chinese" explains Chinese thought and business culture from the Chinese perspective. Helen Zhang and Baker combine their Chinese and Western perspectives to bring personal experience in business investment and management. >>> more |
Back-Street-Beijing Walking Tour - Dongsi Sunday, Nov.9, 10:00-13:00
Tour some magnificent hutong and courtyards in Beijing that normally are not open to visitors. Experts will introduce the architecture, history, and life in courtyard. >>> more |
Talk: China¡¯s Current Youth Problems Wednesday, Nov 12, 19:30-21:30
The speaker Zong Chunshan is the director of Beijing Youth law and Phychology Consultancy Center and founder of Youth Self-protection Education Organization. >>> more
Visit: Beijing Enamel Art Factory Wednesday, Nov.12, 09:30-12:30
Come to see workshops of cloisonn¨¦ or Jingtai Lan (the "blue of Jingtai"). It is so named because the blue was the dominant color adopted for enameling, and cloisonn¨¦ became prevalent during the reign of Jingtai (1450--1456) in the Ming dynasty. >>> more |
Hands-on: Patchwork Pictures (Buduihua) Wednesday, Nov 12, 9:30-12:30
Traditional patchwork picture(Buduihua), is made of rags with different colors cut, pasted, and embroidered with exquisite patterns. It is most popular in northern of Shaanxi, China. Come and stitch multi-colored fabrics into a nice Chinese picture. >>> more |
Book Club: "Red China Blues" by Jan Wong Thursday, Nov.13, 10:30-12:00 Join our book chat on the book "Red China Blues by Jan Wong. >>> more |
Lecture: A Quarter Century of Beijing Urban Change Tuesday, Nov.18, 19:30-21:00
John M. Courtney, an urban planning advisor in China and was the senior urban planner for the World Bank for 20 years, will give a presentation which covers the area inside Beijing's Sixth Ring Road with a focus on the new economic centers >>> more |
Beijing Amblers: Shentangyu Natural Park and Great wall Wednesday,Nov.19, 08:30-17:00
Join our CCC Ambler's hiking tour to a scenic natural park and remote section of the Great Wall two hours outside of Beijing. CCC's Amblers Tours are CCC's signature hiking tour series for the leisurely, moderate hiker. >>> more |
Talk: China's Reform on State Owned Enterprises. Wednesday, Nov 19, 19:30-21:30
Mr. Zhou Fangsheng, vice director of China State Owned Enterprise Committee, and researcher of China Finance Ministry Research Institute, will share his stories on the reform State Owned Enterprises. >>> more |
Book Talk: "Socialism Is Great!" by Zhang Lijia Thursday, Nov.20, 10:00-11:40
"Socialism is Great" is a spirited memoir by a former Chinese factory worker and ended up an international journalist. The author Lijia Zhang is a contributor to international publications including South China Morning Post, Washington Times. >>> more |
Talk: Chinese Drama by Wu Xiaojiang, Famous Director Friday, Nov 28,10:00-12:00
Spoken drama (huaju), western-style theatre, has been imported into China for over 100 years. Wu Xiaojiang, will give an overview of the development of spoken drama in China, and the impact of economic development on the artists. >>> more |
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