Huang Shan (Yellow Mountain)

Huang Shan Overview

  • Huangshan is located in the south of Anhui province. With its 72 peaks, it is onsidered one of the most unique and beautiful mountain ranges in the world and it is the only mountain listed in China's Top Ten Scenic Spots. If you climb one mountain in China, let it be Huangshan ! Four features of Huangshan Scenery: Sea of clouds, strangely shaped rocks, unusual pine trees, and bubbling hot springs.

    Huangshan, known as 'the loveliest mountain of China', was acclaimed through art and literature during a good part of Chinese history (e.g. the Shanshui 'mountain and water' style of the mid-16th century). Today it holds the same fascination for visitors, poets, painters and photographers who come on pilgrimage to the site, which is renowned for its magnificent scenery made up of many granite peaks and rocks emerging out of a sea of clouds.

    Yellow Mountains are very foggy sometimes because of the rain and clouds, so you are not guaranteed seeing beautiful scenes any dates you get on the top of the mountain, even though you spend two nights on the summit just expecting that.

    The mountain itself has been an inspiration to artists, writers, poets, who come on pilgrimage to the site, both thousands years ago and nowadays.

    The well-preserved ancient villages nearby Huangshan reviews the modern urban residents their unique suburban settlements and the wealthy squire’s lifestyle.  

    Huangshan changes its mountainscape vividly from season to season. The flourishing green leaves become pained with red and yellow hues during the fall. Even in winter, when the plants and rock been covered by the snow, it is still a prime time for viewing the sea of clouds.

Best time to visit?

  • There is no bad time to visit Huangshan Mountain. Different seasons offer distinctly different views. Winter is a particularly beautiful time to visit, when the mountains and trees are covered with snow and ice making the entire area appear like a crystal wonderland. The sunrises and sunsets on Huangshan Mountain are magical and visitors should try to get up early so as not to miss the sunrise.


How to get there?

  • Beijing- Tunxi
    There is only one flight per day schedules at 19:00-21:00.

    Shanghai- Tunxi
    There is only one flight a day scheduled at 20:50-21:50

    Tunxi-Huangshan (65km)
    It takes one and a half hours by bus to reach Huangshan. Buses from Tunxi usually drop off passengers in Tangkou by the bridge or at the bus station in upper Tangkou near the Huang Shan Front Gate.

What to see?

  • Jade Screen Scenic Area of Mt.Huangshan

    There is a Jade Screen Pavilion perched high amongst the clouds, which is reputed as an "imperial palace in heaven" in the Jade Screen Scenic Area. Huangshan Mountain's three famous main peaks: Guangming Peak (Sunshine Peak), Lian Hua Peak (Lotus Peak), and Tiandu Peak (Heaven Capital Peak) are all located near the Jade Screen Scenic Area. Among them, the Tiandu Peak is the most precipitous (with an elevation of over 6,000 feet). Mounting its summit, visitors can view the boundless beauty and feel that they are sitting in a heavenly palace.

    In front of the Jade Screen Pavilion, there is a terrace named Wenshu Terrace. On either side of the terrace there is Lion Rock and the Elephant Trunk Rock guarding it. This platform is the best location to enjoy the most stunning beauty of Mt. Huangshan, such as the sea of clouds, the famous Huangshan greeting pine and seeing-a-visitor-off pine trees, and the rock formations: Squirrel Skipping to Tiandu Peak, the Peacock Playing with the Lotus Flower. Many stones inscribed with calligraphy are located in the Jade Screen Scenic Area.

    Hot Springs Scenic Area of Mt.Huangshan
    Huangshan Mountains Hot Springs Scenic Area has been famous for centuries. It was known as "the most famous hot springs under the sun". They have been labeled one of the four wonders of Mt. Huangshan along with Huangshan's ancient pines, bizarre stone formations, and sea of clouds

    Besides the many natural hot springs at the Hot Springs Scenic Area, the area has many beautiful scenic spots such as: Grasping Beautiful Scenes Bridge, Cascade Viewing Pavilion, Yiran Pavilion, Merciful Light Pavilion, Alchemic Well, Sword Testing Stone, Drunk Stone, Peach Blossom Rivulet, serene lake, and numerous waterfalls.

    White Cloud Scenic Area of Mt.Huangshan
    The newly-opened White Cloud Scenic Area covers an area of over 16.5 square kilometers. Here, the pines, the rocks, the ridges and peaks are more colorful and wonder than those of the other zones. The gullies and valleys are deep and tranquil and the glow of sunset upon this area is beyond description. It is known as the "mysterious western world of Mt. Huangshan". In this zone, there are 16 viewing terraces, 10 bridges, and 6 different waterfalls and natural springs.

    Besides all its captivating views, this area enjoys a tranquility that is lacking in other areas of Huangshan Mountain, so visitors can take their time here and fully envelop themselves in the beauty of nature. Visitors to Huangshan Mountain in the fall and winter, should make sure to watch the clouds and glow of sunset in this area.

    North Sea Scenic Area of Mt.Huangshan

    The Flying Stone

    The North Sea Scenic Zone of Huangshan area is the hub of Mt. Huangshan, where most of the most famous scenery and scenic spots meet: Lion Peak, Shixin Peak, Stalagmite Peak, the Refreshing Terrace, the Monkey Gazing at the Sea, the Immortal Shouldering the Treasure, the Flying Stone and more. There are many scenic spots to see. Of which, the Refreshing Terrace on Lion Peak is the optimum location for viewing the sea of clouds and the sunrise. Visitors climbing Shixin Peak (Beginning-to-Believe Peak) to enjoy the gorgeous beauty will truly understand the miracle that is Huangshan Mountain.

    The North Sea Scenic Zone is the most important and famous among the scenic zones of Mt. Huangshan. It is a site not to be missed. There are a number of hotels located here, so visitors can spend the night to see the spectacular sunrises.

    West Sea Scenic Area of Mt.Huangshan
    West Sea Scenic Area is the best place for viewing the sea of clouds and the sunset on Huangshan Mountain. Here, the beautiful peaks and ancient pines leave visitors awe-struck. The clouds and mist clinging to the peaks are ever changing making the many peaks appear like small islands in a sea of clouds. As the sun sets, the whole canyon is bathed in light, and the ridges, the peaks take on multicolored hues. It is really a spectacular sight!

    The West Sea Scenic Zone is endowed with the most beautiful landscape on Huangshan Mountain. The peaks here are so numerous that they cannot be counted. Visitors to this area will see an old styled pavilion nestled in the mountain side. Looking into the distance, successively stunning peaks making visitors feel as though they have stepped into an open-air stone museum. On the right side of the pavilion, visitors can see the Immortal Putting His Shoes in the Sun rock formation and on the left side the Immortal Putting His Boots in the Sun. Straight in front of the pavilion, the Wusong Fighting with a Tiger formation can be seen. Behind the pavilion, the Red Clouds Peak rises to over 1700 meters above sea level

    The West Sea Scenic Area will fire visitor's imaginations when looking down into the mysterious canyon, listen to the wind whispering in the pines, and bathing in the ever-changing mist.

    Pine Valley Scenic Area of Mt.Huangshan

    A view of Pine Valley

    Situated on Huangshan Mountain's northern face, the Pine Valley Scenic Area can be reached by climbing over 6,500 steps. Beginning from Lotus Ridge, the north gate of Huangshan Mountain, and climbing the north steps, visitors can reach the Pine Valley Scenic Area. The air in this area has very high oxygen content due to the numerous plant species that grow here. The bizarre rock formations and natural pools are the highlights of this area.

    The Emerald Pool is situated at the foot of the Lotus Peak. It is surrounded by rocks and is fed by a small stream that flows through the Pine Valley Scenic Area. The ripples and reflections of the mountains and trees create a fanciful world in the water. Many visitors itching for a swim are recommended not to enter the 10-meter deep pool because the water is far too cold even in the summer. Beside the Pool, a large rock with a Chinese character "Fo" (means Buddha) can be found. There are many stone inscriptions found on the cliffs around the area.

    The Five Dragon Pond located not far away from the Emerald Pool and the Pine Valley Stream is actually five giant rocks naturally shaped like dragons stretching their heads down to drink water, hence the name.

    After a visit to the Pine Valley Temple visitors can cross a bridge to reach the Pine Valley Nunnery, which is nestled at the foot of the Diezhang Peak. Originally built in 1253A.D, the nunnery was rebuilt in 1426A.D. The surroundings here are quiet and pleasant. It is a good place to enjoy the ancient stone inscription and other beautiful scenery.

    Heavenly Sea Scenic Area of Mt.Huangshan
    Situated on Huangshan Mountain's North Slope the Heavenly Sea Scenic Area has high oxygen content. This area can be reached from the Lotus Ridge, the north gate of Huangshan Mountain, by climbing over 6,500 steps. The rare plants that grow in this area are the highlight of this area.

    The Huangshan Azalea, Huangshan Fairy Lady Flower, Youth Flower, and Huangshan Magnolia are just a few examples of the many plants unique to this area. These flowers add splashes of color to an already beautiful area. During the spring, the Huangshan Azaleas bloom in rich reds, pinks, and mauve. They bloom until the early summer, when the Huangshan Fairy Lady Flowers bloom bright white. This flower can only be found on peaks over 1,000 meters above sea level, and its fragrant blossoms envelope the area in their perfume. The Huangshan Magnolia is unique in that its blooms appear before its leaves sprout.

    Visitors to the Heavenly Sea Scenic Area will enjoy such famous scenic spots as the Sea Heart Pavilion, and Phoenix Pine. When leaving this area, visitors will pass the Huge Turtle Peak, Old Monk Meditating Rock, Turtle Eating a Snail Rock, and Turtle and Fish Fighting for a Pine Rock.

    Lotus Peak of Mt.Huangshan

    Lian Hua Peak (Lotus Peak) has an elevation of over 1873 meters. Its shape resembles a lotus blossom, giving the peak its name. The "blossom" is over ten feet in width. There is a small pool located in the middle of the "blossom" named Moon Pool. From the apex, visitors can see thousands peaks and numerous ravines in the misty clouds. On a clear day, Tianmu Mountain can be seen in the east, Lushan Mountain in the west, Jiuhua Mountain and the Yangtze River in the north. The sea of clouds viewed from Lotus Peak is most spectacular after a rain.

    Climbing from Lotus Peak, visitors can see the many ancient pines that dot the landscape. Scenic spots such as Flying Dragon pine, Head Downwards Pine, and Huangshan Mountain's azaleas can be seen along the way.

    One interesting thing seen by visitors climbing to Lotus Peak are iron chains covered with brass locks. The locks were placed there by young lovers, couples, or families from both home and abroad. When visitors come here, they have their names, or some words engraved on the locks. They then lock the locks onto the chains and throw the keys down the mountain. This symbolizes that their love or luck will be forever locked to Huangshan Mountain.

Useful Information

  • There are three routes to the top: the eastern stairs (most popular), the western stairs (long and steep) and a cable car (15 minutes). If you walk, it can take from four to 10 hours to climb to the top to view the sea of clouds stretching in all directions.

    The ascent is not like alpine climbing: Some 9,000 steps have been carved into the mountain, so it's like walking up the most stunning stairwell on Earth. (There are often three or four horizontal paces between steps up.) You can descend the same day, but most people stay at a lodge near the top to watch the sunrise the next morning.

    Although on the average you will be at altitudes of only about 1700 meters make sure you bring sunblock if you have sensitive skin - even in winter!

    Weather on top of the mountain is notoriously unpredictable so be prepared.

    Remember to wear comfortable waterproof shoes when you are on the mountain.

    Do not bring too many unnecessary things with you as there is alot of stairs to climb to tire you out.

    We receommend taking a raincoat instead of an umbrella as quite often lightening accompanies the rain.

    Band-aids and mosquito-repellent are also useful things to take.

More Information

  • People
    Han Chinese make up the vast majority of the population. The She and Hui nationalities are the two largest minorities.

    The Cuisine of Huangshan in Anhui Province, often called Hui Cuisine, is one of the eight major cuisines of China. Hui Cuisine features an elaborate choice of ingredients and incorporates many different cooking styles. Special attention is paid to the taste, color, and appearance of each dish. People in Anhui feel that appearance is equally as important as taste when it comes to cooking. Generally Hui Cuisine is slightly spicy, and normally salty. A large amount of ingredients used in Anhui Cuisine comes from Huangshan Mountain.

    Xin'an Painting
    Mt. Huangshan is the birthplace of the Huangshan School of painting. Ming and Qing artists such as Li liufang, Shi Tao, Jian Jiang, and Mei Qing lived alone on the mountain to draw inspiration from the beautiful landscape and to enrich their creativity. With compact strokes, graceful outlines, and elegant style, they formed a unique school. Today, there are modern Chinese artists who follow the Huangshan School and express their emotion through their drawings to create a spiritual but inspiring artistic rendition of natural beauty. Their paintings are of great value.

    Huizhou Carvings
    The three most famous styles of carving in Huizhuo use brick, stone, and wood. The three styles originated in the Song Dynasty and reached their peak in the Ming and Qing Dynasty. The carvings are mainly used as decorations for homes, ancestral temples, and archways. 

    Huangshan Tea City
    Mt. Huangshan is a famous tea producing area in China and tea from this area is well known overseas. Huangshan is well-known for the quality of its green-tea, such as Huangshan Maofeng, regarded as one of the top ten green teas of China.
    Huangshan Tea City is the largest tea trading center in south Anhui Province. You can buy every kind of tea and also experience tea culture first hand in the tea history hall where you can taste tea at a tea ceremony performed in one of the performance halls.