• Nujiang - literally "angry river" in Chinese - carries raging undercurrents that roar over rocks and rush through steep mountain valleys. It is one of the rivers within the Three River Natural Reserve (listed as a world heritage site). It flows into Myanmar and joins the Salween River. From its headwaters on the southern slope of Tanggula Mountain on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Nujiang River runs through one of China's most remote areas, where it has carved canyons through the rugged mountain ranges east of the Himalayas. One can witness dramatic changes of ecosystem. Monsoon and subtropical forests in the south region are gradually replaced by shurblands and dry warm valleys in the north.

    The Nujiang River is one of the two rivers in the country that have never been dammed. According to development plans for the river, however, some dams are scheduled to be built for power generation.

    The region is inhabited mainly by the ethnic minorities of Bai, Lisu, Nu and Tibetans. The Hans are prominent in the towns.

  • * Enjoy Nujiang River (part of a World Heritage Site) and its most beautiful part of the gorge - Bingzhongluo
    * Meet Nu and Lisu people, and Tibetans

  • October - April of the next year, but February is the idealest, when the gorge is dotted with rape seeds and ceiba flowers.

  • Itinerary

    Day 1 Fly into Kunming  
    Take Evening flight to Kunming and stay the night in a 4 star hotel. There are many flights to Kunming per day.

    Day 2
    Kunming - Baoshan - Liuku
    Fly to Baoshan (Baoshan is the nearest city to Nujiang Gorge which has airport, 1 hour flight from Kunming. Driving from Kunming to Baoshan will be 13 hours).
    Arrive into Baoshan at 14:00. After lunch, drive 3 hours to Liuku, one principle town in the Nujiang Gorge and entrance to the gorge. Stay the night in a hotel in Liuku.

    3. Liuku - Gongshan 
    We head to Gongshan in the morning to explore the Nujiang Gorge.
    Most mountain inhabitants live in wooden sheds and huts built on the side or even the top of the mountain.
    Villages on the other bank of the river are accessed either by narrow hanging bridges constructed with small wooden planks strung together with rattan tied to trees; or by sliding on overhead cables that span the river. The cables are tied to trees on either side of the river and to cross, one is suspended from a rope loop attached to a harness worn around the waist.

    4. Gongshan - Bingzhongluo - Fugong
    The scenery between Fugong and Gongshan is awe-inspiring with many cliffs, clear green river-water and water falls. The most beautiful part of the gorge starts from Bingzhongluo.
    Fugong is 123km north of Liuku, mainly populated by the Lisu tribe.  The attractions include waterfalls, River Bends, Crossing river - Rope Bridges and Stone Moon. There are rice terraces just outside the town centre on the slopes all along the river, easily accessible by walking. All along the trek up the slopes, the view extended to the Gaoligong Mountains with snow crowned peaks soaring over 4000m.

    5. Fugong - Baoshan - Kunming - Fly out
    Drive back to Baoshan at noon, have lunch and transfer to airport, and then connect flight to fly out Kunming.

  • CCC Travel does not offer regular set packages for this tour. However we are happy to help you plan a private custom-made one. Please scroll this web page down to check non-negotiable fixed prices and propose a date for your own group. Please note that we do not create a private tour and then make it available for individual people to join. We also do not contact other people to add to a group tour. Similarly, we can create custom-made private journeys for you and your family or friends or co-workers at set-prices.